With a strong heritage of supporting Good Customers like you, Re-PaintsTM has Quality and Reliable Services to aid in all aspects of your painting projects.
Perhaps best of all, with Re-PaintsTM you'll be able to enjoy the Most Reliabl Services and save time and money, while also substantially lowering your contractor support, grafitti, painters and contractors as well as equipment repair expenses and dramatically increasing your budget for your project - a win-win for everyone!
Please check out our following Services pages for our Contractor Support, Grafitti Guarantee, List of Paint Contractors, and Sprayer Maintenance pages together with and take a look at our various offers below.
Perhaps best of all, with Re-PaintsTM you'll be able to enjoy the Most Reliabl Services and save time and money, while also substantially lowering your contractor support, grafitti, painters and contractors as well as equipment repair expenses and dramatically increasing your budget for your project - a win-win for everyone!
Please check out our following Services pages for our Contractor Support, Grafitti Guarantee, List of Paint Contractors, and Sprayer Maintenance pages together with and take a look at our various offers below.

With Re-PaintsTM long and strong history and heritage of supporting our Commercial and Residential Painting Contractors like you, Re-PaintsTM has developed Quality Services to aid in all aspects of your business. Best of all, with Re-PaintsTM you'll be able to receive Contractor Consultations, tips on How to Grow Your Business, a Free Re-PaintsTM Web Account, Data Sheets, and Color Samples. It's all about you and your customers to save everyone money, while also substantially lowering your expenses and dramatically increasing your bottom line profit - a win-win for everyone! Read More...
Let's face it - Graffiti can be the nighttime delivered criminal act that turns into your daymare, ruining your day, hurting your pocketbook and generally trashing your property. Re-PaintsTM has devised a simple solution to rid all of us of this horrible problem. When you use Re-PaintsTM Paint Products and you experience vandalism in the form of Graffiti, Re-PaintsTM will supply both the paint and labor to re-paint over the Graffiti, of course subject to some limitations, terms and conditions. This will save you thousands when you get tagged with the Graffiti problem! Read More...


Finding a Qualified Painting Contractor is easy with Re-PaintsTM, If you're looking for a professional painter, just use our Re-PaintsTM Painting Contractor Directory to locate someone to work with. You can use the search engine below to see a list of painting contractors who work in your area. You can search within the Pima County Area or for more targeted results, search by city or business name. Read More...
Re-PaintsTM Spray Equipment Services offers not only maintenance and repair, but parts and accessories and rental programs too. Our factory-trained technicians provide quality maintenance and repairs for leading paint spray manufacturers, such as Graco, Titan, Mi-T-M, Champion, Finishing Brands, Binks/DeVilbiss. Perhaps best of all, we do it all for just $49.95 per hour (plus parts) and there is not Shop Fee. Compare Re-PaintsTM to the other guys at $75 per hour (plus parts) and a $15 Shop Fee - same parts and same service. Read More...