For those needing help with their Large Volumes of unwanted Paint, Re-PaintsTM Recycle offers our FREE Large Volume Paint Pickup Service benefiting you and our volunteer Re-PaintsTM Recycle Drop Off Center sites.
We set you FREE from the drudgery of handling and loading your unwanted paints into your vehicle, keeping your vehicle clean from any spillage and saving you the driving time down to and back to take your unwanted paints to one of our Drop Off Center sites and you may be only able to transport small amounts at a time. Also, our Drop Off Centers won’t be overwhelmed with large volumes of paint.
So, please read our below information in order to utilize Our Re-PaintsTM Recycle Large Volume Paint Pickup Service. We'll be glad to help!
We set you FREE from the drudgery of handling and loading your unwanted paints into your vehicle, keeping your vehicle clean from any spillage and saving you the driving time down to and back to take your unwanted paints to one of our Drop Off Center sites and you may be only able to transport small amounts at a time. Also, our Drop Off Centers won’t be overwhelmed with large volumes of paint.
So, please read our below information in order to utilize Our Re-PaintsTM Recycle Large Volume Paint Pickup Service. We'll be glad to help!
Our Re-PaintsTM Recycle Volume Paint Pickup Service is available to any households or businesses with more than a small volume of paint or cans of chemical products they want to be picked up.
DISCOVER MORE To discover more about our FREE Volume Paint Pickup Service, please take a look at our V.P.P. Fact Sheet and you can also discover more in Spanish on our Spanish - V.P.P. Fact Sheet.
THEN CALL RE-PAINTSTM Then call Re-PaintsTM at 520-917-8888, or fill out our Volume Paint Pickup Request Form online here V.P.P. Request Form to request your appointment and quickly rid yourself of your unwanted paint and other cans of chemical products.
Also, please feel free to utilize our Excell - V.P.P. Request Form or our PDF - V.P.P. Request Form and simply send your Volume Paint Pickup Request Form to us by email or fax and we'll be there in short order. We also have this form in spanish, Si Hablamos Español! Forma de Recogida de Grandes Cantidades de Pintura
HAVE ONLY A FEW GALLONS TO DROP OFF Do you have only a few gallons of leftover paint or cans of chemical products?
Then you can easily find a Re-PaintsTM Drop Off Center location near you. All our Re-Paints Drop Off Centers accept any amount of paint of cans or chemical products per visit.
DISCOVER MORE To discover more about our FREE Volume Paint Pickup Service, please take a look at our V.P.P. Fact Sheet and you can also discover more in Spanish on our Spanish - V.P.P. Fact Sheet.
THEN CALL RE-PAINTSTM Then call Re-PaintsTM at 520-917-8888, or fill out our Volume Paint Pickup Request Form online here V.P.P. Request Form to request your appointment and quickly rid yourself of your unwanted paint and other cans of chemical products.
Also, please feel free to utilize our Excell - V.P.P. Request Form or our PDF - V.P.P. Request Form and simply send your Volume Paint Pickup Request Form to us by email or fax and we'll be there in short order. We also have this form in spanish, Si Hablamos Español! Forma de Recogida de Grandes Cantidades de Pintura
HAVE ONLY A FEW GALLONS TO DROP OFF Do you have only a few gallons of leftover paint or cans of chemical products?
Then you can easily find a Re-PaintsTM Drop Off Center location near you. All our Re-Paints Drop Off Centers accept any amount of paint of cans or chemical products per visit.